Tag: Mom Mastery University

Looking for the Parenting Manual

Looking for the Parenting Manual


I was seeking a solution to life. How to keep my house clean and orderly, my finances from getting out of control, my children well-mannered, my marriage together. I was looking for a parenting manual, a marriage manual, a household management manual and I wasn’t finding one I liked.

Recently, I decided I wanted to be more. My heart screamed for more. I felt overwhelmed and empty all at once. I needed more, I needed less. I suspect, you moms, know what I mean. There is always someone telling you that you are not enough or too much. Sometimes, though parenting is a uniquely beautiful experience, it is so full in itself that it is hard to do more than just that one thing.  It is not uncommon for mom to put her own dreams on the back burner for the sake of her family. Others feel they have to put their family on the back burner to reach their dreams.

Why do we have to do that? Sacrifice one hearts desire for the other?

I want it all. I want the happy family and I want to pursue my dreams. (1)


One morning, as I was seeking God for wisdom regarding my aching heart, an opportunity came to join a group of women who were also searching out ways to grow personally and in their home world. So I stepped in faith and joined the program. I chose to join a 90-day challenge in Home Managment and to join their mentorship program to become a mentor.

The 90-day challenge included 3 teachings a week. First, you listen to the teaching, complete any quizzes, worksheets or essays requested. These worksheets were easy peasy and can be done when you have time, no rush. Then you implement the teachings into your life. The teachings fall into three categories within your chosen challenge area: One teaching was more spiritual, one was an encouraging coaching session and the third was interview with someone who excels in the particular area the course was in. Some of the interviews included; Jim Fay, Lisa Bevere, Jill Savage, Gloria Copeland, and Gary Chapman, to name a few.

I loved these and found myself listening to them over and over again, using them to help change my mindsets on each topic.

The mentoring program is relatively new. It is basically a way for Hannah Keeley, the founder and creator of Mom Mastery University(MMU), to help make sure that the moms who join her program don’t get lost. It’s also a way for participating moms to make a little money while encouraging other moms to reach their own full potential. I loved this idea, so I went ahead and joined the program since there was only one-time enrollment free and I figured, why not?

To become a certified mentor for Mom Mastery University you go through a special course that consists of 5 different books and assignments associated with those books.

Each book helps you develop vision, motivation and the skills needed to draw more moms into the program and to help them grow. This program took me  7 weeks to complete. Upon completion, I am now considered a certified mentor with Mom Mastery University. YEY! I received a certificate and an awesome SLEIGHer shirt to rock as I share MMU with moms.

I was looking for a Parents Guide

Two-Months-in Review:

It has been a few months now. My home is still not perfect. But my bed has been made each day. Something that I have never really done. I have begun to act on the routines I feel are best for my family. I have come to see my home in a new light. I have come to see the things I do in my home in a new way. I have gone to support more church events than usual. I have begun to plan how to get to where I need to be, one small step at a time.

One of the biggest things I am learning is that “Sloppy Success beats Perfect Failure”. I don’t have to do it just right, I just have to do it. Over time, the more I do something, the better I will get at it. I’m a hot Messy success story. That beats being perfect at nothing.

Sloppy Success

Though I don’t see many physical changes, other people seem to be seeing something. those compliments are sinking in a little more as each comes:

“I’m so proud of what I see you doing!” One friend says to me.

“You look amazing,” someone i run into informs me.

“I love being around your family, it is always so welcoming and inspiring.” A third person tells me.

“Have you done something different with yourself? You’re glowing?” I was asked at church this week.

In JuneThis is a program I am happy I found. It has been a God-sent for me. I love the skills I am developing through it. Skills that include; Time Management, Financial Skills, Vision, Parenting Tips, Homeschooling Tips, Marriage Assistance, and Meal Planning. MMU is continually adding new courses and challenges to their database. Which is be awesome. This summer they are going to be adding something new. But Shhh, that hasn’t been released yet.  I will tell you more in a few weeks.


MMU is a huge YES on my list. Though enrollment isn’t open at the time I’m writing this review, I do have a way to get anyone in who is interested.

One perk to getting certified is having a backdoor entry to MMU called: Mom Boot Camp.

The Mom Boot Camp is a FREE 3-day Vision course to help you establish what it is you want. After completing the Mom Boot Camp you will be offered a seat (for lack of a better phrase) in Mom Mastery University. Let’s do this together!